Null vs Undefined
Is UNDEFINED same as NULL? Or if both are interchangeable?
Imagine a function with the default argument. Sometimes you want the function to take defaults and sometimes you wanted it to be in an empty state. That’s where so-called twins Null and Undefined differs.
This topic is about what made me write this blog, feel free to skip to basics of null vs undefined
if you are running out of time.
So, its new year eve and I was writing a code and it has to be in production on the same day. As a part of the job, I’ve to get the first name from the given name. So, I wrote the following code.
function getFirstName(name=''){
return name.split(' ')[0]
I know for a fact that either name
will be a string or an empty value. And this code makes sense because if args is left empty defaults comes into rescue. But… it's not. As well, it's a bit awkward that I never learnt this basic though I graduated from the world’s best university (Internet 😜).

Basics on Null vs Undefined
console.log(typeof(null)) // object
console.log(typeof(undefined)) // undefined
console.log(typeof(NaN)) // number
Null is of type object and undefined is well undefined.
let test;
If you declare a variable its will be assigned undefined by default.
console.log(Boolean(undefined)) // false
console.log(Boolean(null)) // false
console.log(undefined == null) // true
console.log(undefined === null) // false
And both values produces falseness
For primitive type
== does typecast to the same type and compare by its value
'6' == 6 is True
=== does both type and value comparison
'6' === 6 is False
For objects, it deserves a separate blog.
Differences between Null and Undefined
Try to find the answers

Space before spoiler

Got it…….
So, the way JS works it will take default args only if they see undefined. For everything else, it goes with the parameter.
An exercise to readers
let name = {firstName: null, lastName: undefined, honorific: ''}console.log(name?.firstName ?? '')
console.log(name?.lastName ?? '')//Read twice.. Not the same as above
console.log(name?.honorific || 'Dr.')const {firstName = '', lastName = '',honorific='Dr.' } = name
For those who are wondering… ?.
and ??
are called Nullish coalescing
and optional chaining
. It's introduced to avoid the shortcoming of short circuting
For those who came this far, well a piece on python
name = {'firstName': '', 'middleName': None,'lastName': None}
print(name.get('firstName', 'Python'))
print(name.get('middleName', 'Beginer'))
print(name.get('lastName') or 'Friendly')
print(name.get('bio') or 'Who said python is any easy!!!')
Well, enjoy your day.